To be vegan or vegetarian- that is the question.

To be vegan or vegetarian- that is the question.

Fiona Amao
Fiona Amao
To be vegan or vegetarian- that is the...

The  Year 9 Food and Nutrition groups were treated to an enlightening visit from Lynne Snowden an educational speaker for Animal Aid last week. This was to consolidate the topic of food choices – vegetarianism and veganism.

She shared some compelling statistics with both groups; between 2014 and 2019, the number of vegans in Great Britain quadrupled from 150,000 to 600,000.  Research in 2022 revealed that a staggering 46% of Britons aged 16-75 are contemplating reducing their consumption of animal products in the future.

Did you know that an average meat eater consumes approximately 4,500 fish, 80 turkeys, and 30 sheep throughout their lifetime? These numbers shed light on the profound impact of dietary choices on animal welfare and the environment.

There were also discussions on the ethical considerations surrounding meat consumption as well as the impact of dietary choices on animal welfare and the environment.

Animal farming contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, even more than the combined exhaust from all transportation sectors.  .

The talk was reinforced by both groups cooking delicious vegan spring rolls and samosas.

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