Year 7 English

Year 7 English

Saina Asadi
Saina Asadi
Year 7 English

Year 7 have been studying Frankenstein, a modern play adapted by Philip Pullman, based on the gothic novel by Mary Shelley.

Frankenstein is a story about what it means to be human. The play tells the famous story of a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who thinks he can change the world by creating better human beings. Instead, he creates a living monster and he is horrified by what he has made.
As we have been studying the play, we have been trying to understand the choices a playwright has to make in adapting a novel into a stage play. We have enjoyed looking more closely at the character of the Monster and discussing why his character is so misunderstood.
On the last day of the last half term, we worked together as a class to create a model of Frankenstein’s Monster – we used recycled materials to create visual details of the Monster’s face, as described through the stage directions.
“We have really enjoyed studying Frankenstein!”~ 7sEn1

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