English Lessons at BMS

English Lessons at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
English Lessons at BMS
Our newly refurbished LRC was being enjoyed by our Year 7 cohort earlier this week – all engaged in reading their latest chosen books or completing their all-important book reviews.
We know that confident reading and excellent literacy skills underpin all learning – something that was so evident in the neighbouring classroom in LRC1 where Year 10 students were engaged in a focussed revision task to prepare for their hugely important Year 10 PPEs.
Next year our current Year 10s have only 2 terms to go until the summer term GCSE examination season, so time is of the essence. Kick Start Meetings in September, Revision Techniques Evenings, half term revision, Pre Public Exams in November/December, PPE Results Days in January, Cracking the Core additional CDC lessons in the 3 Core Subjects, Easter Revision Classes, Study Saturdays and a personalised Maximising Achievement Timetable as the official exams start, will definitely support them on the way, but it all starts at Key Stage 3 with developing that passion and excellent attitudes to learning.
If you get that right, learning and achievement is so much easier.

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