Wonderful Willow’s Sports Day

Wonderful Willow’s Sports Day

Emma Denton
Emma Denton
Wonderful Willow’s Sports Day

As the new Head of Willow house it was fantastic to see the enthusiasm and dedication shown by members of Willow house.

Students in Willow showed remarkable resilience when faced with competitive sporting events with all students participating actively in all events. Whether cheering on from the sidelines, wishing other houses good luck and teaching other houses techniques in sporting events – it was great to see!
Despite the rain on day two, students still persevered and never lost their morale. To see the unwavering support of peers throughout each year group was a spectacular experience that made me proud to be Head of Willow house.
I’m sure myself and many other students in Willow house agree with Pippa McGrane’s (year 7) sentiment:
“I can’t wait to do this all again next year”

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