Year 10 Enrichment Day – Get Ready for Work Programme by ELSA

Year 10 Enrichment Day – Get Ready for Work Programme by ELSA

Jackson Helyer
Jackson Helyer
Year 10 Enrichment Day – Get Ready for...

Donna King Careers and Work Related Learning

On Thursday 9th November 2023 ELSA – Education, Learning, Skills and Achievement, an award-winning non-profit organisation providing targeted educational programmes to young people came to Bushey Meads School with a BANG!!  

Over 30 volunteers helped to make Year 10 enrichment day one to remember.

Their Get Ready to Work one day program allowed students to take part in interview and job application challenges that employers use within their current recruitment processes.

Companies from various industries gave their time providing different workshops that our students found to be informative. We had parents, school governors, employees from The Grove and many more interview our students who, although found it difficult at first to talk to “strangers” felt this gave a look into the real world.

The feedback student … “It made me think more about the future and what paths I                                                                                                                        could take”

“It gave us a feel for interviews and ideas for work experience”

“will help us to feel more confident in actual interviews”

Those that helped out on the day commented on how well our students behaved and felt the school had “a caring feel about it”

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