A Taste Of The Future!

A Taste Of The Future!

Sarah Dunsby
Sarah Dunsby
A Taste Of The Future!

Social Sciences ran a year 7 enrichment day. Lily Fields in 7 Ash tells us about her day.

What an amazing day this was for all Year 7s! It helped us explore various choices of what we may like to go on to study whilst at secondary school, from Year 9 onwards.

Every School House attended five new and exciting topics, which were not all the same. My School House – Ash House, attended “Psychology”, “Business Studies”, “Sociology”, “Government and Politics” and “Child Care” lessons, on the day. My personal favourite was Sociology, as I loved creating my own Kingdom that had many pros, some cons, and its own very unique rules.

All lessons were a wonderful experience and really great fun. For example, Psychology, which
explained how your brain works and what it can do and how it thinks. We enjoyed looking at some
fun photos which were optical illusions, that made our brains work hard, to see both sides of a particular picture – my favourite one being the “Young Lady or Old Woman” illusion.
I really hope we will have an opportunity to take part in this again and even explore other topics that other Houses had attended.

I hope everyone else enjoyed the day as much as I did.

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