English Subject Leaders

English Subject Leaders

Jade Denmark
Jade Denmark
English Subject Leaders

This week, I have had the pleasure of meeting with our new subject leaders for English. Luka Kovalevskyte, Prisha Tapre, Aagarsan Velautham and Myfanwy Taylor-Bean brought some fantastic ideas to the meeting and we started to discuss some exciting plans to share the ‘Love of Lit’ across the school. Their enthusiasm and commitment to their student leader role has demonstrated why they are such great ambassadors for our English faculty and I am really looking forward to working with them throughout the academic year.

We will be meeting regularly to discuss ideas and develop existing ones. We have already started to discuss plans for introducing a Literature wall to display student ‘recommended reads’ and have some exciting plans to share the love of Literature across Bushey Meads School.

Watch this space…

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