GCSE and A Level Art Exhibition 2024

GCSE and A Level Art Exhibition 2024

Sam Cole
Sam Cole
GCSE and A Level Art Exhibition 2024
Thursday 4th of July saw the annual Bushey Meads GCSE and A Level Art Exhibition.
Work was also exhibited by students from Little Reddings and Hartsbourne schools.
Many friends and family gathered to celebrate the amazing work from all the students.
Everyone who attended made comments on the breadth, diversity and quality of the students’ work.
On the morning of Friday 5th July, the department also welcomed the students and parents from the two primary schools. The students were amazed by not only seeing their own work on display in a professional setting, but to see the larger scale work from the GCSE and A Level students.
We would love to take this opportunity to wish all the students well in their future endeavours, whether it be in the art field or another.

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