Poignant and Powerful Assemblies

Poignant and Powerful Assemblies

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Poignant and Powerful Assemblies
Advanced Lead Teacher and Head of House Miss Sumpter led a series of very powerful and poignant assemblies to mark this week’s Holocaust Memorial Day.
The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust encourages remembrance in a world scarred by prejudice and systematic, targeted persecution. The Trust promotes and supports Holocaust Memorial Day – the international day on 27 January. The Holocaust is central to Holocaust Memorial Day and the day encourages the world to remember the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust. It is a time when we also commemorate the millions more people murdered through the Nazi persecution of other groups and in the more recent genocides recognised by the UK government, and the genocide in Darfur. The actual day of January 27th marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp.
I was very impressed with the assembly and the way that all students respectfully entered and listened to what was shared. The poem by Martin Niemoller read by Miss Sumpter provided a fitting end to the time we all spent in the Main Hall each morning.
Tolerance is at the heart of our school and our mantra of having a Mind to Be Kind is key to what we all do in and outside of school.

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