Celebrating Outstanding Success

Celebrating Outstanding Success

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Celebrating Outstanding Success
As a school we are becoming increasingly aware of many of our students’ notable achievements, not just in school but outside of school. Celebrating their success enables us to inspire others to great things, which further impacts on achievement both in and out of school.
I would like to thank all the parents and carers who completed a recent survey last term capturing some of these successes at a national or regional level. The accolades vary from those for significant charitable contribution or voluntary work, qualifications or certificates for work completed outside of school, as well as notable achievements in the field of sport, dance or other art form.
Do enjoy scrolling through the slides of some of our past and present students’ outstanding success.
If your child has achieved something similar, do provide us with a short description of what they have achieved and a photo for display in school. You can email your information to [email protected]
Be inspired!

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