Bedrock success

Bedrock success

Lee Cox
Lee Cox
Bedrock success
The English department here at Bushey Meads School subscribes to an online platform called ‘Bedrock Learning’.
This platform teaches students new vocabulary and strengthens their grammar skills through a variety of activities. Sophisticated algorithms tailor the learning experience for each student so that everyone can make marked progress.
The English teachers receive weekly reports that outline each of their students’ engagement and progress. Reward points are given to those who are seen to be working well and achieving their goals.
We have seen some very encouraging numbers this week and I just wanted to celebrate some of our students who are doing particularly well in terms of engaging with the learning and making significant progress.
Here is a list of students who have achieved over 200 points for January:
Amanda in 7S1
Henry in 834a
Aahil in 8F2
Zarah in 8F1
A special mention also goes out to Aiden in 8S2 who achieved the most amount of progress in January for the whole of key stage 3.
All of the aforementioned students have been awarded an R3.
Students at BMS have one timetabled lesson of ‘Bedrock’ a week and are expected to engage with the platform outside of school for at least 20 minutes a week.
At GCSE level, students with a firmer understanding of grammar and a broader vocabulary tend to score higher, particularly in creative writing so we encourage regular engagement with the platform to strengthen those skills.

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