Egg-cellent Parenting

Egg-cellent Parenting

Holly Lloyd
Holly Lloyd
Egg-cellent Parenting

Miss Lloyd’s Year 13 psychology classes have been looking at how attachments form
between babies and their caregivers, within their ‘child psychology’ lessons. To support
them in their understanding, they were each given an egg to parent over the Christmas
The students were instructed to care for their eggs using the attachment techniques that
they had been taught in class, such as ensuring that they showed joy at reunion after being
away from their eggs and ensuring that they responded to their egg’s needs and social
After returning to school last week, theories of attachment were then applied, which helped
the students gain an understanding of the implications of caregiver deprivation on infants in
later life, within romantic relationships as they grow older and on children of their own.
Below is a photo of Eleanor’s beautiful baby girl. Unfortunately, we don’t have a photo of
Jasmine’s or Declan’s… we won’t mention those!

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