Super Songwriters
I have been so impressed with class 8f1 for their super songwriting skills. Over a number of weeks they were challenged in groups to write song lyrics, create a melody, add...
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I have been so impressed with class 8f1 for their super songwriting skills. Over a number of weeks they were challenged in groups to write song lyrics, create a melody, add...
Posted by Maria Fort
Last week across the BSJT we focused on the Theme of Remembrance. On Friday 11th November, Anton (12 Oak) played The Last Post outside in the Quad. It was a very moving...
Posted by Maria Fort
Key Stage 3 Choir will be starting next week and I’m looking for some keen singers or anyone who would just like to have a go. Choir will take place on Monday lunchtimes in...
Posted by Maria Fort
On Tuesday two of our Year 11 musicians, Rebecca Palmer and Anton Brown, went to Little Reddings School to help Mrs Dewhurst, one of our Year 6 teachers, deliver an assembly about...
Posted by Maria Fort
Our Year 7 musicians have made an excellent start to the school year and have been working particularly hard at their singing. We have been focussing on warming up the voice, good...
Posted by Maria Fort
It has been wonderful to be able to do more group work this term in music. Key Stage 3 have been forming bands and performing I Need a Dollar by Aloe Blacc. They have worked hard...
Posted by Maria Fort
For Enrichment Day last week Year 9 were learning Christmas songs in French and Spanish. Half the students learnt Vive le Vent and the other half learnt Feliz Navidad. They...
Posted by Maria Fort
When we first went into lockdown, I realised how lucky I personally was to have a bit of extra time to myself. I planned big projects I was going to do: to teach myself to play...
Posted by Maria Fort
On Friday, three of our music students, Akshya, Rashmi and Jenna, travelled to Hartsbourne Primary School to take part in a special Remembrance Assembly. They played beautifully...
Posted by Maria Fort
I have been so impressed with class 8f1 for their super songwriting skills. Over a number of weeks they were challenged in groups to write song lyrics, create a melody, add suitable chords and finally to perform their songs. Every group excelled and it was fantastic to see all students really getting into the project and being creative.
Would you like to experience life in the fast-lane of a STEM or Medicine-related career this summer? World-class professionals across 10 STEM industries have come together to...
Our Year 7 musicians have made an excellent start to the school year and have been working particularly hard at their singing. We have been focussing on warming up the voice, good...