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Head of House assemblies

Head of House assemblies

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Head of House assemblies

This week our outstanding Heads of House have been leading the assemblies in the Main Hall and it was a delight to be able to join Ash House Assembly at the start of the week. Head of House Mr Burley explained the Theme of the Week Community and related it to the various communities in and beyond Bushey Meads School. He reminded all students that all communities have a vision and a common purpose underpinned by key character beliefs, actions and aims.

He reminded students of our all-important Keys to Success and the emphasis on having a Mind to Be Kind. In terms of action, all students across the 7 Houses in the school are now going to be collecting as many items as possible as part of our annual Foodbank Charity Collection. It is such an exciting project that truly demonstrates the heart of our school and, in these increasingly challenging times, will mean so much to those less fortunate than ourselves.
All donations will be rewarded with reward points so let’s get collecting and see those piles of provisions on the staff corridor growing each and every day!

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