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PE Health and Health Faculty News

PE Health and Health Faculty News

Ashley Cartledge
Ashley Cartledge
PE Health and Health Faculty News

Year 10 Sports Studies Outdoor Education Trips
The Year 10 Sports Studies group have recently completed their practical assessments for the Outdoor Activities unit. Students have completed written assignments on the different types of outdoor activity, the benefits and skills to be gained from taking part in outdoor activities and then planned an outdoor activity trip. The final part of the unit has involved taking part in a range of outdoor activities and the students have completed assessments in kayaking, mountain biking and BMX biking. On Friday May 28th the group attended a kayaking training day at Rickmansworth Aquadrome led by instructors from British Canoeing. This was followed by a days cycling at the Lea Valley Velopark at the Olympic Park in Stratford. Both days were very intensive with the boys receiving some technical instruction and then completing a series of assessable tasks. Despite being new to the sports in many cases, the boys did extremely well and were commended for their efforts by the instructors at both venues.

Year 10 Sports Leaders at Hartsbourne Sports Day
On Friday 11th June the Year 10 Sports Leaders group and Andrea H, a Senior Sports leader from Y12 attended the Hartsbourne School Sports day. The BMS students were given the task of supervising the 7 different events including basketball, golf, running races, speed jumps and welly throwing. The group did a fantastic job officiating the events and it was great to see them grow in confidence and really enjoy the leadership role.


For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge: . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper:

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