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Geography in lockdown!

Geography in lockdown!

Sarah Dunsby
Sarah Dunsby
Geography in lockdown!
The geography department has been working incredibly hard to provide fun and engaging activities for all students to complete from home whilst still enriching them with necessary content to develop their learning.
Sharly Harris in year 7 has given her view on e learning in geography.

“Over the past few weeks for our geography lessons we have been set many fun projects. Some of them include drawing or building. We were given a list of tasks we could choose from to complete, all of which revolved around biomes. This included powerpoint presentations, drawings, writing and recording your own news script, fact files and more.

These were all fun interactive activities to complete. The four that I picked were: create a presentation on a specific biome, record and write a news script about a biome of your choice, draw or paint a biome and create an advert for a tour company. We were also set a series of stretch and challenge tasks. These helped us revise our map skills we have learnt in the previous topic. There was also a range of biomes and activities including countries. A couple of tasks were to build things for example make a specific scene in a shoe box or even bake a cake of the coast. These activities would also include various things to watch and review or to read and answer some questions”.

Sharly Harris 7 Sycamore

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