Year 12 Information Evening

Year 12 Information Evening

Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Year 12 Information Evening
It was great to see a large number of parents, carers and students at the Year 12 Information Evening on Tuesday this week.
The evening started in the main hall with a warm welcome from the Sixth Form team:
  • Mr O’Kelly, Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form
  • Mrs Timotheou, Deputy Head of Sixth Form
  • Mrs Crayden, Sixth Form Admin Support
  • Ms Jackman, Sixth Form Support and Reception Manager

Mr O’Kelly talked through some general advice and top tips followed by Mrs Timotheou explaining the role of Community Service.
The subject leaders and Heads of Faculty then spoke to smaller groups about the particular, specific advice in the wide range of subjects on offer in the Sixth Form to help a successful transition to Key Stage 5.

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