Social Media within Drama
At this point in our year 8 drama curriculum our students would usually be creating plays to communicate the problems with social media – cyberbullying, lower social skills,...
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At this point in our year 8 drama curriculum our students would usually be creating plays to communicate the problems with social media – cyberbullying, lower social skills,...
Posted by Greg Knowles
In such ‘interesting times’ I am so proud of the staff in the arts faculty and the work they are doing to keep our students at the forefront of arts education. A range...
Posted by Greg Knowles
Last week our drama and dance students had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Immersive Ensemble production of The Great Gatsby. Ours students donned their best 1920s party...
Posted by Greg Knowles
Word has clearly spread about the talented drama students in year 11 and 13. We were absolutely delighted to see so many parents, staff and students coming to support our drama...
Posted by Greg Knowles
On the 16th July 2019 a small group of drama students put together a short one hour production of Hamlet. This was performed outside on the quad to a group of primary school...
Posted by Kashan Malik
Conducting a joint learning walk around some of our Performing and Visual Arts classrooms on Wednesday afternoon of this week was a really inspiring moment in time. In music the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to see our talented Year 11 Drama GCSE students perform under the lights and the additional scrutiny of a visiting GCSE examiner on Wednesday evening of this week....
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We have a proud tradition at Bushey Meads School of producing exceptional musical productions. This year was no exception. The Addams Family has truly been a whole school project...
Posted by Greg Knowles
Posted by Greg Knowles
A few weeks our year 12 and 13 drama and theatre studies students enjoyed an unforgettable night at Jay Gatsby’s party. To assist our students understanding of...
Posted by Greg Knowles
At this point in our year 8 drama curriculum our students would usually be creating plays to communicate the problems with social media – cyberbullying, lower social skills, revelation of too much information etc. This year, however, our students have found new meaning in social media. A recent home learning task asked students to read a poem by Gary Turk and rewrite it with themselves in mind. Later this poem would be used to create powerful and effective drama pieces (hopefully). I have been moved by the outcomes of this task. Our year 8s have found some wonderfully appropriate interpretations that match the time we are living in now….
I can’t believe this is happening.
It all just doesn’t seem real.
All around us nothing but chaos.
I wonder how the world will ever heal.
Home maybe a safe place for you
But for many children their safe
Place is a school. Remember them
When you go out for no reason. They
Are only asking us to follow one simple
There are many people around us. Key
Workers that have no choice. But to go
Out working to keep us going. Let us all
Be their VOICE.
Covid 19 is what they have named it.
This coronavirus is killing with might.
We need to stand together as the
Human race and put up one hell of
a fight.
The stories from across the globe
Of death and illness are plenty.
Hospitals under so much strain. No-one will ever forget 2020.
Shahan Sheikh, 8Willow
Look to your phones, time to connect,
Talking to friends on the internet.
A time of forgiveness, a time of gratitude,
In it together, let’s have a good attitude.
Thank our NHS, for all they have done,
Staying home doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.
Spend time with family, keep busy and safe,
I know it is hard but we need to be brave.
Don’t use it to be negative, use it for good,
Follow advice and do what you should.
Defend our country, save a life,
Don’t forget to take it in your stride.
Alice Ridout, 8Oak
Life is at a pause, but don’t start breaking laws
Locked at home, with just your phone
Not alone, so please don’t moan
Although we are at home, you can still go for a stroll
Once a day but 2 metres away
Mya Dave, 8Sycamore
In the maths department, we are constantly impressed by the work ethic displayed by our A Level students. It is no secret that A Level maths is difficult and comes with a lot of...