Open Evening – Best Ever!
On Thursday 20th September 2018 we held our annual Open Evening and for the third consecutive year I had the privilege to wander around the school site and witness the wonderful...
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On Thursday 20th September 2018 we held our annual Open Evening and for the third consecutive year I had the privilege to wander around the school site and witness the wonderful...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Our state of the art Drama facility was full buzzing with an electric energy as the dance auditions/workshop took place after school this week. Pictured below many students...
Posted by Kashan Malik
Bullying should not be tolerated in any form. At Bushey Meads we believe it is important to address bullying so that the message is clear that bullying is unacceptable. Bullying...
Posted by Helen Mateides
With our whole school focus on improving literacy across the curriculum all teachers are supporting students to inculcate a love of reading, none more than Mr Back, our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Wednesday, July 4, the Economics Year 12 group visited the Haberdashers School which was hosted by their economic society featuring a guest of speakers.The itinerary of this...
Posted by Marian Lewis
Posted by James Felix
On Thursday 20th September 2018 we held our annual Open Evening and for the third consecutive year I had the privilege to wander around the school site and witness the wonderful things that were taking place. Staff spent a lot of time preparing their classrooms and faculty areas in order to showcase the very best of what their subject area offers and and this led to a real showcase event. The entire school looked marvellous, the activities set up for the Year 6 students were fun and this created a tangible buzz across the school.
Our smart Sixth Formers welcoming families
Sixth formers welcoming families, being very professional!
Staff were ably assisted by student leaders from Years 7-13 and it was fantastic to see so many students from Bushey Meads School give up their evening to come and help. This just demonstrates the passion our students have for their subjects and the positive culture that exists at Bushey Meads School.
Super smart tour guides, ready to show families around their fantastic school
As always, my favourite part of the evening was to see the prospective Year 6 students and their younger siblings participate in the many exciting and interactive activities on offer. Such examples included making circuit boards in technology, painting in art, using computer controlled robotics in IT, playing a variety of instruments in music, participating in dance routines and drama productions in performing arts, penalty shootouts in PE, building pasta and marshmallow towers in geography, using microscopes and bunsen burners in science and much more.
Playing maths games on one of our fantastic Smart boards
Families getting involved in a fun maths activity
Activities in our exceptional art department
Student modelling the wonderful art display designed especially for the guest students. Year 6 students were able to design their own feather to add to the display.
Showcasing our electronics work in technology
Working with different materials in the technology department
Food Preparation and Nutrition students showcasing their skills
Exciting work in STEM
Getting involved in a fun science experiment
Great atmosphere in chemistry lab
Mr Green carrying out a very exciting experiment capturing the excitement of aspiring scientists
Science department in full flow carrying out an array of experiments
Dance students performing for onlooking families
PE and Health students coaching year 6 students
Drama students at the ready to wow crowds with their talent!
Happy customer enjoying an activity in our wonderful childcare room
Our top Sixth Form students creating an amazing atmosphere performing for families
We are very excited about the prospect of so many new Year 6 students joining us next year and I hope the photos below go some way to doing justice to the splendid occasion. The best thing to do however, is to come and join us for our 2019 Open Evening so you can see for yourself.
It has been so nice this week to enjoy our first school production for a number of years, the quality of which has been stunning. The singing, the acting, the very professional...
The Autumn term rounded off with an exciting and diverse Christmas Soiree featuring the talented musicians and dancers at Bushey Meads. The show made a festive start with...