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Awesome Africa Day

Awesome Africa Day

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Awesome Africa Day

During this week’s enrichment day, Year 8 experienced all things Africa organised by Mr Besisira.  

Year 8s completed some research into a country of their choice and turned this into a social media style video. A whole range of countries were explored including Zimbabwe, Liberia, Nigeria and Algeria.  Students also explored some of the history behind the continent.  

There were also some more active sessions. The highlight for me was watching the African dancing.  I loved watching all the students joining in.  Some students even came to the front to lead the dance.  In art students made African inspired flags through dying and stencilling.  The whole school rocked and shook as a result of the African drumming emanating from the music block.  Students learnt rhythm, as well as creating their own African based music.

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