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Literacy Underpins Everything

Literacy Underpins Everything

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Literacy Underpins Everything

With our whole school focus on improving literacy across the curriculum all teachers are supporting students to inculcate a love of reading, none more than Mr Back, our inspirational Learning Resource Centre Manager. Mr Back works with students across all year groups in the school but our Year 7 and 8 students are lucky enough to all get a dedicated hour in the LRC for their reading lessons with either Mr Back himself  or Mrs Timotheou our Deputy Head of Sixth Form.
Pictured here Mr Back is reinforcing the Word of the Week, explaining his expectations and the importance of the student reading reviews (completed for every book they read) and discussing with a number of students their latest literacy accomplishments. Becoming a great reader improves your verbal and written literacy and
communication, supports the highest level of achievement at GCSE and A level and enables you to secure the very best opportunities beyond school. A child who reads will inevitably become an adult who thinks and succeeds in life!

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