Anti Bullying at Bushey Meads

Anti Bullying at Bushey Meads

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
Anti Bullying at Bushey Meads

Every Monday the Anti-bullying Ambassadors continue to meet in LRC4 at lunchtime to discuss current and up and coming events taking place within the school.

On the 9/10/18 the Anti-bullying Ambassadors visited the year 7 forms to distribute Pledges.  The rest of the years signed pledges last year, which are displayed all over the school.


Anti-bullying Week

November 12th – 16th

Enter the Arts Competition

Compose a Poem, Short story, Poster, Photograph,

Song, Drama script about bullying

Lunchtimes in LRC4

Come meet the Anti-bullying Ambassadors

Free Anti-bullying sticker – Cakes, Sweets and Biscuits on Sale

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