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Student of the Week – Issue 34

Student of the Week – Issue 34

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Student of the Week – Issue 34
Key Stage 3

Keely 8 Oak – Keely is an excepional student who always gives her best in lessons.  She has excellent attendance, brilliant ATL (Attitude to Learning) scores in her most recent report and is making excellent progress.  Keely has over 200 achievement points! Keely is a credit to her family and the school!  We are very proud of you!


Key Stage 4

Luke 10 Willow – Luke has made an excellent start to his GCSE journey.  Luke has excellent attendance, ATL scores of 6 and 7 in all his subjects and an excellent work ethic.  In Business Studies, Luke has been making excellent progress and is ahead of his class!  Well done Luke, keep up the excellent work and no doubt you will achieve your potential.


Key Stage 5

Alan 13 Oak – Alan has been working extremely hard for his upcoming PPE’s.

Alan has received multiple offers from the universities he applied to; hard work and determination have paid off and is now looking forward to the next chapter and future studies.

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