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Hydrogen Bus Visit

Hydrogen Bus Visit

Helen Booth
Helen Booth
Hydrogen Bus Visit

As part of their science GCSEs, students at Bushey Meads School study the different types of energy resources that are available to us and how we use them. This includes preparing them for the future by looking at new and emerging technologies that may be used one day to provide cleaner energy for our homes and vehicles. This is why it was so great that we were able to welcome representatives from a company called Go Coach who brought a bus powered by hydrogen fuel cells to visit Bushey Meads.

A small group of our year 9 students were nominated by their teachers to participate in the visit. The students involved were offered a place because they have demonstrated an exemplary attitude in their science lessons all year. Students had a short talk in which they learnt all about hydrogen fuel cells, how they work and their advantages. Our students found the talk interesting and it was fascinating to learn about why hydrogen power may be a better choice for vehicles such as lorries and buses that electric power is. The students had some very insightful questions about the technology.

We then got to visit the bus and see the fuel cells and the engine and how everything works. We then went for a short journey on the bus which gave a very smooth ride. The visit was an excellent opportunity for our students to see a real life application of one of the topics they learn about in their GCSEs.

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