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National Health Service Week

National Health Service Week

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
National Health Service Week

The  theme of the Week was The National Health Service’, as the official launch took place on the 5th July 1948.

Embedded within this theme, as part of Aspects of health,  was an assembly on EFT or Tapping.  The assembly included a presentation by Jess Ortner on the different Meridian or Chakra points and EFT being practised in schools.

The assembly was shown during CDC time.  After the presentation, BMS students practised the tapping points. Although students were unfamiliar with the technique they made a great attempt at following the tapping sequence with their CDCs.

Tapping is a great way to ease those nerves before tests and exams.  By repeating sequences the body relieves itself of all the uncomfortable feelings that come with pain, anxiety and trauma.  The effects are very quick, enabling students to take control of any challenges and alleviate any obstacles to learning.

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