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The Powerful Impact of Praise and Recognition on Positive Attitude to Learning

The Powerful Impact of Praise and Recognition on Positive Attitude to Learning

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
The Powerful Impact of Praise and...

We have recently received many emails of thanks, clearly demonstrating the impact of our positive rewards culture, now embedded across our learning community. Each and every day students are receiving reward points for their effort, attitude to learning and achievements. Each week we nominate and publicly recognise students in our newsletter which is circulated to all staff, students parents and carers Governors and Trustees. Additionally we hold prestigious termly and annual events to celebrate achievement. For example last week we held our Annual Rewards Evening which took place online due to the current restrictions in place. A selection of emails below remind us to keep praising and rewarding students and the power that this has:

Good afternoon Mr Turner and Mr Varsani,

Both my wife and I were delighted for our daughter to be awarded the special achievement awards to be presented to her. Many thanks to you both and all her teachers, for your brilliant leadership, commitment and dedication in teaching her during this pandemic for this has enabled and encouraged her to work hard and have the motivation to get on with her education and learning during what has been an unusual year. We shall continue with our input and encouragement in our daughter’s learning and education in the coming GCSEs year. Our best wishes and regards

Year 10 Parents

Dear Mr Turner,
I was very pleased to receive a Reward Certificate for my daughter in recognition of her hard work in Humanities last Friday.
Year 12 Parent

Dear Mr Vasani, Ms Hoeksma & Mr Turner

I would personally like to thank you for taking the time and trouble to present such an enjoyable Online Rewards Evening. I would also like to extend my thanks to the staff of Bushey Meads for their commitment and hard work. I clearly remember walking through the gates for the first time, trying to decide which High School would be most fitting for my son. In complete honesty, my mind was set immediately, as was his. My only fear was that a place would not be available. The warmth that was generated upon this visit and the sense of belonging, can only be compared to the daunting task of house hunting, and viewing, then opening the door to your ideal home. I believe that happy children are learning children. It fills me with enormous pride and happiness that my son was chosen to receive an award. There were tears of joy this evening. I am certain that he will continue to give each day his best shot and if he does, he can never look back with regret.
Many many thanks indeed. We cannot wait for Year 8!
My very best wishes
Year 7 Parent

Hi Mr Varsani,

I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to thank you and the school for my son’s Certificate of Reward, I’m so delighted that there is such an opportunity for recognition, we’re of course super proud of him and the effort he has put in to achieve it. We will watch the event together and I know he will be thrilled to receive this certificate. Thanks to all concerned.
Best regards,
Year 9 Parent


Thank you so much for the email, my husband and I are both very proud of our son and his achievement and can’t thank you enough for giving him this honour. Kind regards

Year 9 Parents

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