Fantastic learning atmosphere in maths
On a very wet Wednesday morning it was lovely to walk through the maths block and see all the students thoroughly engrossed and engaged in their maths learning. Year 10 students...
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On a very wet Wednesday morning it was lovely to walk through the maths block and see all the students thoroughly engrossed and engaged in their maths learning. Year 10 students...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Head of Elm House Mrs Pattni always makes us think in her inspirational House Assemblies and on Tuesday of this week it was no different. Under the theme of the week...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was inspiring to welcome Paul Clair the new dynamic Headteacher of Falconers School to Bushey Meads on Wednesday of this week. He visited classrooms and offices across our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to see a large number of parents, carers and students at the Year 12 Information Evening on Tuesday this week. The evening started in the main hall with a warm...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Thursday 19th September BMS opened its doors and welcomes prospective new students and parents to see the school, meet teachers and, most importantly, students. The Humanities...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
On Thursday 19th September 2019 BMS held our annual Open Evening. While Mr Turner (Executive Principal) was delivering his speeches to the parents in the main hall (assisted by...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Posted by Danielle Bowe
On the last day of the Academic year all students and staff were excitedly waiting to hear who had won the House Cup for 2019-2019. All reward points that each individual students...
Posted by Matthew O'Kelly
Our talented musicians provided a lovely audible backdrop to the school last week during our Open Evening and many visitors comments on the great atmosphere created by our young...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On a very wet Wednesday morning it was lovely to walk through the maths block and see all the students thoroughly engrossed and engaged in their maths learning.
Year 10 students were focused and their books were presented beautifully with clear examples of Purple Pen Improvements.
Well done to Year 10 students and the Maths team for a fantastic start to the day.
I would like to congratulate all our hard working Year 10 students for how well they have completed their very important PPE examinations over the last week or so. During one of...
It was encouraging to join our superb Year 10 students in their Main School Assembly on Wednesday morning led by Associate Leader and Head of Sixth Form Mr O’Kelly. The theme of...