
Our hard working Deputy Head of Sixth Form Mrs Timotheou led  our inspirational main school  assemblies this week on the important subject of perseverance. Having a clear goal, working hard to achieve it and not being put off by failures along the way were key aspects of her message which was powerfully supported by some very memorable media clips.It was good for the Year 10 student in particular to hear from Mrs Timotheou as in 6 months time she will be interviewing them for prospective places input hugely popular and oversubscribed sixth form.
The day she led their assembly our Year 11 students were sitting their big GCSE Maths exam which will be the same experience for current Year 10s this time next year. Perseverance

It was great to hear Mrs Timotheou praising our hard working Year 13 students as they approach their all important A level examinations. Her key message of ‘work hard, dream big and never give up’ was the core theme of her memorable assembly delivered to all year groups in the school. We wish all our dedicated Year 13 students every success at this crucial time of year.

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