The Maths Leaders and Space Club

The Maths Leaders and Space Club

James Donovan
James Donovan
The Maths Leaders and Space Club

The Maths leaders and Space Club have joined forces to get everyone involved in the wonder that is rockets. I’m sure everyone has an idea of how rockets fly, but not everyone understands how interesting the Science and Maths of how rockets work is; what rocket science really covers.

The maths leaders are giving presentations to different classes about the basic factors that need to be taken into account when considering launching a rocket, and they will relate this to real world applications of the science, such as sports.

Meanwhile, over the next few weeks during space club, students will be designing and creating their own water-pressured rockets. They will be made from water bottles and students can add features such as fins to their rocket to try and make it fly further. After they are completed, the students will fire the rockets in the field. There will be a small competition to see who will make the best rocket design and who has the farthest flying rocket, and from this we will see which features allow our rockets to fly the furthest *

*which might not be accurate for full size rockets

If you are interested then come along to space club every Wednesdays in L7 during lunch times, and it’s for all ages! The more rockets we have the more we can experiment with the angles and see which one is the best.

By Yehen, Kavya,Vikyrthan & Vysnavan

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