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So Last Era Charity Events

So Last Era Charity Events

Adam Lyley
Adam Lyley
So Last Era Charity Events

For the week beginning 24th June, the So Last Era team completed a variety of charity events, all to raise money for our chosen local charity, Watford New Hope Trust. This included tasks like a sponsored silence or giving up meat and being vegetarian.

We also held a bake sale on Friday 28th June that grew a buzz from all over the school, drawing in students from Year 7 to Year 10.

This tested our abilities and raised a lot of money from sponsors all over the school: from fellow students to teachers and family members. As of now, we have raised over £550, with more being received every day.

These events also made us think about the people that are struggling every day without a home to be content in.

Hopefully, this inspired people to raise money for themselves or just donate towards our endeavours and this great charity.

Below are just some that participated in these events:

From left to right: Beau, Benji, Henna, Sophie and Mr Lyley

Thank you to all the people that donated and we hope to run something like this again in the future.

By Beau W

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