An Inspiring Environment for Learning
Most returning visitors to the school make the same comment: “I can’t believe how much the school has changed and what a wonderful place it now is.” To those of...
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Most returning visitors to the school make the same comment: “I can’t believe how much the school has changed and what a wonderful place it now is.” To those of...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last Wednesday, Sociology and Law students went to the Clink for a great educational trip. The Clink is one of the oldest and most popular prisons situated in London. The trip...
Posted by Chloe Lister
Over the easter holidays 14 members of the Year 10 GCSE PE class were in school completing 2 days of training for the Level 1 Sports Leadership qualification. The PE Faculty is...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Following on from their District Cup Football Final success the Year 7 and 8 football teams were rewarded with a trip to the Tottenham Hotspur training ground on Thursday 19th...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Adoring fans from around the world gathered at our school last Sunday morning to pay tribute to one of our most famous alumni George Michael and honour his musical achievements...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last term the anti-bullying ambassadors were involved with promoting an Anti-bullying poster competition. They received many fantastic entries and would like to thank everyone...
Posted by Helen Mateides
Every alternate day over Easter Mr Fisher set new SAM Learning Revision and Test tasks, feeding back with group e-mail updates. Revision tasks set included such key topics as...
Posted by Bill Fisher
Enrichment day, before Easter, comprised trips and visits and deep learning experiences inside and outside of school. Year 7 activities alternated with the previous enrichment...
Posted by Bill Fisher
Posted by Andeel Akram
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Most returning visitors to the school make the same comment:
“I can’t believe how much the school has changed and what a wonderful place it now is.”
To those of us who are here on a day to day basis we are not surprised with the impact that our site staff have in maintaining and refurbishing our school site and the obvious impact over the last two years that the investment of £6 million has had on the positive feel of our ‘new look’ and extended school – now a truly motivational environment for learning.
On top of that so many outstanding staff are transforming their own classrooms with vibrant and creative displays and effective systems and routines that all help to create really purposeful spaces that inspire daily learning.
The latest building to benefit from a huge investment and refurbishment programme is our busy Music Department – a real hub of our exciting performing and visual arts provision at BMS. Now doubled in size and completely refurbished, the Music Department now boasts a state of the art Apple Mac Music Technology suite, two large classrooms and performance spaces and no less than 6 sound proof rehearsal rooms and recording studios.
New Music Block
Main Classroom 1
Main Classroom 2
Practice Room 1
Practice Room 2
Practice Room 3
Practice Room 4
Practice Room 5
State of the Art Apple Mac Technology Suite
Downstairs Lobby
Music Technology Suite
We would particularly like to thank our hard working Facilities Manager Mr Richard Chambers for overseeing this latest major development to our ever improving school site.
Although Bushey Meads School has always had very expansive grounds, for most of the year a lot of the outdoor space is water logged and unusable. In comparison, our existing...
If you are interested in joining any of these ensembles please speak to the music department. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Before School 8:30 – 9:00 Brass...