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Big SAM Easter Science Challenge

Big SAM Easter Science Challenge

Bill Fisher
Bill Fisher
Big SAM Easter Science Challenge

Every alternate day over Easter Mr Fisher set new SAM Learning Revision and Test tasks, feeding back with group e-mail updates. Revision tasks set included such key topics as covalent bonds, ionic bonds, electromagnetism, electricity, animal and plant cells, protein synthesis, metals and photosynthesis.

65 students began the challenge and completed most tasks, with over 30 completing every single task to a high standard, every other day. Letters praising the effort are being prepared.</P

As well as benefiting science, the focus on SAM learning as an excellent revision tool translated to other subjects as well. A huge amount of English revision in particular was undertaken on SAM Learning, so too geography and history as well as many other subjects.

In total, just during the Easter holiday period alone, 87 Year 11 students completed an average of 12.5 hours of SAM assignments. Top of the leaderboard was Jarrishan, who completed a staggering 80 hourse of SAM assignments! He was closely followed by Maja, Rafi and Christina (pictured), They all state that the SAM revision was useful, which is why they went beyond the set tasks to incorporate it into their scheduled independent revision too.

The next 10 on the leaderboard were Anouska, Melanie, Darsh, Joel, Megan, Ben, Lily, Jessica, Georgina and Ragavi.

Well done to all those 87 Year 11 students.

And keep going with SAM Learning as one part of these few vital weeks of revision left.

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