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Year 11 Art PPE Success!

Year 11 Art PPE Success!

Aya Speker
Aya Speker
Year 11 Art PPE Success!
Year 11 GCSE art students worked hard over the last term on their townscapes project. The progress they have made since year 10 is astounding.
They have completed a range of wonderful prints, charcoal drawings and mixed media paint, collage and drawing trials to name just a few different materials. For their final pieces they used everything from string, foil, mod-rock and cardboard reliefs to create a meaningful and personal response to the topic.
This project culminated in large scale pieces which they produced with enthusiasm, originality and skill!
We are very proud of these students. Well done to them and keep up the good work. Watch this space for their final pieces in April 2020!

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