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Visit to the British Film Institute, South Bank

Visit to the British Film Institute, South Bank

Hilarie Charles
Hilarie Charles
Visit to the British Film Institute, South...

On Friday 30th November students of A Level Spanish visited the British Film Institute where they attended a study day on the celebrated film director, Pedro Almodóvar, whose  award-winning film Volver they are studying for A Level. This served as an   ideal introduction for considering prevalent themes and style in Almodóvar’s films, and also provided rich learning opportunities for our students to improve their understanding of Spanish cinema and culture.

Volver BFI 2018

The study day was led by lecturers from, Royal Holloway, University of London and Jake and Natalia said that the study gave them “the opportunity to see Volver in a different light” and to appreciate additional contextual and cultural references.

Jake and Natalia BFI Almodovar 2018

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