Powerful Live Marking in Action in Year 7 Maths lessons

Powerful Live Marking in Action in Year 7 Maths lessons

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Powerful Live Marking in Action in Year 7...

It was brilliant to see some very powerful live marking in action in Mrs Ahmed’s Year 7 maths lesson on Monday of this week. Under the topic of equations with brackets students were working through carefully crafted examples tailored to their ability and, whilst they were working independently, Mrs Ahmed went round and engaged with the students in pairs to live mark their work.Using this ‘real time approach’ she was able to personalise the support for each student in the class maximising the progress of all learners through this complex topic. Janahan and Aaron explained that Mrs Ahmed’s comments to help them improve their understanding were captured on an orange verbal feedback sticker and they demonstrated their progress by competing two further examples on the special Live Marking worksheet.

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