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Marking and Feedback Fortnight – Live Marking

Marking and Feedback Fortnight – Live Marking

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Marking and Feedback Fortnight – Live...

As we prepare to start our  third and final Marking and Feedback fortnight of the year it was great to hear from top teacher and Lead Practitioner for English and Whole School Literacy Ms Bowe who shared some excellent tips for managing Live Marking in the classroom. Live marking provides instant feedback to students to respond to, can unpick trends for improvement, shares them instantly with the wider class and also helps to manage the workload of marking and providing meaningful feedback to students to ensure outstanding success.At BMS we learn from each other and share this in a number of innovative ways. Ms Bowe was delivering a Monday Magic Moment in Staff Briefing, but we also recently highlighted a Selfie Showcase Wall where staff can sign up to visit the classrooms of our top Advanced Lead Teachers and Lead Practitioners to see the best of live marking in action or indeed put themselves forward to welcome other colleagues to visit and see their own work as we continue to embed our culture of ‘sharing the very with the rest’.

BMS is an inspiring place to work and we continue to do everything we can to provide the best teaching and learning environment for our students.
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