GCSE Drama Rehearsals Well Underway

GCSE Drama Rehearsals Well Underway

Greg Knowles
Greg Knowles
GCSE Drama Rehearsals Well Underway

With just under a month to go, GCSE drama devised performances are starting to come together. Our performance, titled ‘Secret Tunnel’, is based on the stimulus – Son of Gulliver: Boy Giant by Micheal Morpurgo. We have also based our play on the theory that your life flashes before your eyes in 7 minutes. So we will have a timer of 7 minutes to symbolise this fact.

The storyline is about a boy who is fleeing a war from his home country in Europe. He then falls off a boat and drowns to the bottom of the ocean. He then meets an all powerful being who soon realizes he does not have the power he thinks he has called ‘Cog’.

To try and help him find the boy’s mother Cog takes the boy to the Titanic to see if this can cause any memories to emerge. The shoe of the boy ‘floats’ on stage and the boy is transformed to the scene where he lost his mother. Unsuccessfully, the boy is not reunited with his mother and he is the last thing on stage.

During rehearsals we have used physical theatre to make the drowning scene…

We have also thought about the stage design. Here are some of our ideas…

(Art work and annotations by Megan, 11Elm)

Article by Derry, 11Sycamore

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