The Great Big Dance Off

The Great Big Dance Off

Natalie Miller
Natalie Miller
The Great Big Dance Off

Exciting dance projects are underway for BMS where we will be entering a regional dance competition called ‘The Great Big Dance Off’.  Regional heats will be taking place in January but first students will need to be shortlisted to make these heats.

KS4/KS5 students have already started their competition piece where they’ve been rehearsing on a Monday and Friday lunchtime where hard work and dedication is being shown. Whilst on Monday 22nd October, T-Ala Marsh (deputy head girl) held auditions in the hall for the KS3 BMS dance team. 53 students across Year 7, 8 and 9 attended this audition where unfortunately only 30 can make the team. The standard of physical, technical and expressive skills shown throughout the audition was outstanding. The students gave it everything as T-Ala definitely put them through their paces.
I would like to congratulate everyone who participated. Those students successful will be receiving letters this week with key dates for rehearsals.

Keep up the good work KS4/KS5 dancers and we will be looking forward to starting the KS3 dance team this half term.

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