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Bushey Meads School shares best practice with our Student Leadership Development Programmes

Bushey Meads School shares best practice with our Student Leadership Development Programmes

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Bushey Meads School shares best practice...

With over 250 Student Leaders appointed every year at Bushey Meads School, it is no surprise to find out that other schools are acknowledging our best practice in this important area of school life. All potential student leaders have to complete a rigorous application process, including the submission of a letter of application, supported by previous experience or clear potential to fulfil the role. For more senior positions a formal interview is also required.

Experienced staff from across the school community oversee each student leadership team and develop senior positions within their student groups to facilitate further leadership capacity and succession planning. At the end of each academic year the roles and contributions that each student makes is recognised in the presentation of formal certificates to acknowledge their contribution to the life of the school.

This week we welcomed Rob Tester, Assistant Headteacher from West Hatch High School in Chigwell, Essex to Bushey Meads. He spent time with Associate Leader Mrs Wright who oversees all the student leadership programmes at BMS, Head Prefect Leon Hirsh and also met a cross section of student leaders who are all themselves contributing significantly to the life of our school. He thoroughly enjoyed his time with us and went back to West Hatch with loads of great ideas to develop his own student leadership programmes.

He wrote in our visitors’ book……

Thank you so much for having me at BMS. The students I met were fantastic ambassadors for the school and gave me lots to think about!

Rob Tester Assistant Headteacher – West Hatch High School

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