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Student of the Week – Issue 74

Student of the Week – Issue 74

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Student of the Week – Issue 74
Key Stage 3

Anastasija 8 Maple – Anastasija is an outstanding student, giving her best in all her lessons.  She has excellent attendance, nearly 400 achievement points and a brilliant attitude to learning.  She always engages and contributes to lessons to the best of her ability.  Anastasija is a delight to teach and a valued member of the BMS community.  Keep up the excellent work, we are very proud of you!

Key Stage 4

Rashmi 10 Ash  – Rashmi is a conscientious, hard working and dedicated student.  With great attendance, over 300 achievement points and excellent ATL scores she is a model student.  She is making excellent progress on her GCSE targets and is on track to reach her potential at the end of her GCSE journey!  Well done Rashmi, keep up the excellent work!

Key Stage 5

Charlie 13 Elm – Charlie is an exemplary Year 13 student.

He has a high ATL in all is subjects and is on track to get exceptional grades. He always works hard, and gives his best.  “An absolute delight”.  We look forward to celebrating your success this summer. Keep up the good work Charlie.

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