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Marking Party
The second Marking and Feedback Fortnight began on Monday 9th March (a two week period during which time the spotlight is shone on marking and feedback across the school a little more brightly than usual).  In order to prepare for the fortnight, teachers from BMS attended a Marking Party held in the Sixth Form Centre after school on Wednesday 4th March to help prepare for the event.
As you can see from the photos, teachers either marked exercise books, PPE papers (mock exam papers) or marked student work online for the duration of the party.  Hundreds of students across the school will benefit from the feedback offered by their teachers and their understanding will progress as a result.
With this said, it is also extremely important that students take an active role in the feedback process, so please encourage your child to go through their exercise books and check for the following things:
  • all titles and dates are underlined with a ruler and pencil
  • all diagrams are shaded / coloured neatly
  • all key terms and definitions are highlighted (so they stand out)
  • all assessment stickers have been completed correctly and in detail
  • all teacher and peer comments have been responded to
  • all SPaG codes have been actioned
  • all worksheets are stuck in neatly

Being able to evaluate and improve your own work independently is an important life skill and it allows students to continue to refine and increase understanding even without the teacher being present.There are more Marking Parties scheduled over the next two weeks.  Who says marking can’t be fun?

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