Live Marking in action!
It was great to hear from one of our specialist Geography teachers at the start of this week in our Monday Magic Moment at Staff Briefing. Outlining his strategies (tailored to...
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It was great to hear from one of our specialist Geography teachers at the start of this week in our Monday Magic Moment at Staff Briefing. Outlining his strategies (tailored to...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Friday after school we had several young visitors from Hartsbourne come and see their work displayed in The Gallery. They were excited to see their junk modelled houses...
Posted by Hannah Budd
One of the best ways to support students in making progress with their work is to provide them with high quality feedback via assessment. This can take many forms such as self...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Over the past two school weeks, the end of year Key Stage 3 examinations have been taking place. Year 9 students sat their exams between 20th-24th May and Year 7 and 8 students...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Key Stage 3 Rhianna 9 Maple – Rhianna is a wonderful student who is a pleasure to teach and work with. She has outstanding ATL scores for all her subjects and gives her...
Posted by Kashan Malik
This week some of our year 10’s have been ‘getting gritty’ in line with our More Able agenda theme of showing passion and perseverance in their studies. They...
Posted by Lauren Wright
During this week’s CDC time our form representatives were giving feedback to their groups following the student parliament meeting prior to half term. The meeting was...
Posted by Kashan Malik
Conducting a joint learning walk around some of our Performing and Visual Arts classrooms on Wednesday afternoon of this week was a really inspiring moment in time. In music the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As part of their Level 3 Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition, the Year 12 students completed an internally assessed 3.5 hour practical assessment. The Brief: ‘A local spa is...
Posted by Fiona Amao
Following our recent really successful Ofsted inspection last term it was great to receive this letter of congratulations from Jenny Coles, the Director of Children’s...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to hear from one of our specialist Geography teachers at the start of this week in our Monday Magic Moment at Staff Briefing. Outlining his strategies (tailored to Key Stage 3 and 4 students) used to effectively live mark in the classroom, Mr Mitchell showed the clear benefits to both students and staff with his smart ‘real-time approach’.
Staff were really impressed and are hoping to see him in action over the next two weeks as we all take part in our third Marking and Feedback fortnight of the academic year. Our ‘Selfie Showcase Board’ is filling up with willing practitioners offering all colleagues the chance to visit classrooms across the school during the next two weeks to see the power of live marking in action.
Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND, Mrs Ash led the assemblies this week in the Main Hall on the theme of Commitment. Speaking to all year groups across the school, she...
As always Head of Beech House Miss Pattni inspired and challenged us in her House Assembly this week. Under the theme of Knowledge she asked us all to consider gaining greater...