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Student of the Week – Issue 46

Student of the Week – Issue 46

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Student of the Week – Issue 46
Key Stage 3

Rhianna 9 Maple – Rhianna is a wonderful student who is a pleasure to teach and work with.  She has outstanding ATL scores for all her subjects and gives her very best all of the time.  She is a matures, dedicated and conscientious student that we are very proud of.  Keep up the excellent work!


Key Stage 4

Asher 11 Willow – Asher has been working tirelessly and consistently during the build up to the GCSE examinations.  He has been focused on his revision and attending revision sessions and working diligently.  We are very proud of all you have achieved and wish you every success with your results this summer.

Key Stage 5

Georgina 12 Willow – Georgina is one of our hardworking and dedicated Year 12 students.

Studying vigorously for her upcoming exams to ensure she continues her journey at Bushey Meads into Year 13. Georgina is also seen working supporting her peers through this stressful time.  Well Done Georgina!


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