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Live Marking

One of the best ways to support students in making progress with their work is to provide them with high quality feedback via assessment.  This can take many forms such as self assessment, peer assessment, written teacher feedback and verbal feedback.

Marking and feedback is high on the agenda at BMS and we therefore schedule three Marking and Feedback Fortnights each year.  The third Marking and Feedback Fortnight has started and runs between 10th-21st June, the theme of which is ‘Live Marking’.

Feedback that is immediate and done in the presence of the learner enables a dialogue to take place. This means that the student can be sure of how to make improvements while the material is fresh in their mind.During full staff briefing (which takes place twice a week), members of the Teaching and Learning Team have shared tips with staff on how to plan for and implement live marking in class.  So far Mrs Bowe, Mr Symeou, Mrs Hoskins, Mrs Lindau and Mrs Davey have provided us with some excellent ideas that we can try.

To maximise learning, it is vital that students respond to the feedback given as soon as possible.  This may be by correcting a spelling error, answering a question posed, redrafting a piece of work in purple pen or putting into action the advice given during a task.  Students should therefore go through each of their exercise books and ensure that this is completed.

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