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Year 7 Mathematicians Accepting the Challenge
One of the highlights of my week is teaching My Year 7 maths class. In fact I am lucky enough to teach them twice a week. The students have an insatiable thirst for knowledge...

Marking and Feedback Breakfast
To support teachers in preparing for the Marking and Feedback Fortnight, a Marking and Feedback Breakfast took the place of staff briefing on Friday 6th March. A large number of...

Marking Party
The second Marking and Feedback Fortnight began on Monday 9th March (a two week period during which time the spotlight is shone on marking and feedback across the school a little...

BMS Multigym Staff Induction
With the recent introduction of a multigym at Bushey Meads School, many staff at BMS and across the BSJT wasted no time in completing their gym induction so they can start using...

Student of the Week – Issue 74
Key Stage 3 Anastasija 8 Maple – Anastasija is an outstanding student, giving her best in all her lessons. She has excellent attendance, nearly 400 achievement points and a...

PE Health and Health Faculty News (27th Feb 2020 – 5th March 2020)
NEWS Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health This week has seen the next round of Inter House Sports competitions with the KS3 Boys Basketball competitions taking place for years 7,8...

Design and Technology at Hartsbourne
This term, at Hartsbourne, we have continued to develop the design and technology curriculum in key stage 2. In Year 6, they have been designing recipes and making bread. The...

An Engaging and Inspiring Biology Lesson at BMS
It was really inspiring to join the Year 12 Biology A Level students in Mr Gall’s class on Thursday morning this week. They were all ‘scrubbed up’ and ready to get hands on with...

Students present at Full Governing Body Meeting
One of the highlights of Wednesday evening’s Full Governing Body Meeting was the excellent presentation made by Year 10 Student Leader Jhanavi and Year 8 STEM Leaders...