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PE Health and Health Faculty News (24th Feb 2020 – 27th Feb 2020)
NEWS The final half term of the Autumn/Spring sports extra-curricular programme has begun with a very busy couple of days. On Wednesday 26th February the Year 7,10 and Senior...

House Quiz / Countdown Event
As February draws to a close the Heads of House are preparing themselves for the House Quiz / Countdown event which will be held on the 19th March 2020 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm....

Going the extra mile in the Bushey Community
Going to the Bushey Care Home! On the 12th of February, Mr Varsani, Ms Speker and we, the Community Leaders, took a trip to the local Bushey Care Home to spend time with the...

Love of Lit
Many of you will be aware that the BBC has been celebrating literature through the ages, culminating in the creation of a list of ‘100 Novels That Have Shaped Our World’. See...

Superb Student Success in Regional Competition
I was delighted to hear this week that one of our talented Sixth Form students Megan Tobin won a Highly Commended Prize in the recent #JUSTTALK 2019/20 Film Competition....

Student Book Review
Long Way Down reviewed by Om Panchal, 8Elm If someone you love gets killed, find the person who killed them and kill them no crying no snitching A 5 star must-read book written...

World Book Day Bake-Off Competition – Weds 4th March!

Year 8 Maths Trip to Oxford University
Year 8 had a recent opportunity to visit the famous Oxford University and spend some time there with the students. This picture above, was taken on the grounds of Balliol College...

Pevensey Castle/Battle Abbey
On Saturday 8th February, a small group of Year 10 and 11 students taking GCSE History were given the opportunity to visit Pevensey Castle and the site where the Battle of...