Internet Sans Crainte – mardi 12 février 2020
On Tuesday 11th February, world Safer Internet Day, our year 10 French GCSE students spent a lesson learning about French vocabulary associated with internet use, the dangers of...
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On Tuesday 11th February, world Safer Internet Day, our year 10 French GCSE students spent a lesson learning about French vocabulary associated with internet use, the dangers of...
Posted by Victoria Hargreaves
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
The Modern Foreign Languages and History departments are organising an overnight visit to Belgium to visit the First World War trenches for Year 9 students (current year 8s ) who...
Posted by Nicola Paddick
Posted by James Felix
NEWS Another amazing week of sport for Bushey Meads students with fixtures in football, netball, basketball and indoor athletics. Special mention must go to the Year 8 Boys...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Mrs Bowyer asked us to produce some work to go on display in L1. As we have been learning about working within childcare settings, we decided to focus on things that you need to...
Posted by Rae-Anne Bowyer
Posted by Danielle Bowe
BOARDING POINT CHILD SINGLE CHILD RETURN WEEKLY * FOUR WEEKLY* Borehamwood all stops as far as Knowl way) £2.20 £3.30 £15 £45 Elstree Hill North £1.60 £2.40 n/a £45 Elstree...
Posted by Kashan Malik
On Enrichment Day, we learnt about assisted suicide, otherwise known as euthanasia. In the first two periods of the day, we did an array of tasks which informed us about what...
Posted by Chloe Lister
On Friday 24 January five BMS Student Language Leaders went to Hartsbourne School to help the year 4s get creative in their French lesson. The class was learning the classic story...
Posted by Nicola Paddick
BMS students show off their French speaking skills Language leaders and other students across the school have recently volunteered to take part in a project to share their...
Last Friday, 20 year 11s got the exciting opportunity to visit Oxford University. Upon arrival, we were greeted at the Balliol campus by a third-year student called Frank. He gave...