Inspiring Oak Assembly
Earlier this week, the Head of Oak House (Mr Symeou) and five student helpers from Years 7 to 13 delivered and excellent assembly on participation. The best part was that Mr...
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Earlier this week, the Head of Oak House (Mr Symeou) and five student helpers from Years 7 to 13 delivered and excellent assembly on participation. The best part was that Mr...
Posted by Graeme Searle
I’m sure you have all heard someone say, “You can’t revise for English!”. You might have even said it yourself!On Wednesday 15th January the English department addressed this...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Key Stage 3 Angela 8 Beech – Angela is an excellent ambassador for the school and a diligent and dedicated student. Angela has over 250 achievement points and actively...
Posted by Kashan Malik
Many thanks to Mrs Palenzuela for organizing a return visit for the Instituto Español Vicente Cañada Blanch, a Spanish international school in London, which we visited with Year...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
A few parents have contacted me recently quite rightly raising concerns about the traffic outside our school at peak times and I would join them in urging all parents and carers...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It has been really lovely recently to receive a number of positive emails from parents and carers following our recent round of High Achiever Awards. One such parent expressed how...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Advanced Skills Leader and Head of Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences Ms Knowles shared her proven pearls of wisdom last Friday for really supporting forensic...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The sunshine was defintely shining on Monday of this week at BMS as Senior Assistant Headteacher Mr Searle shared some top tips related to maintaining a positive well being and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As a PE teacher it is my job to ensure maximum participation in all lessons, regardless of any perceived physical or mental barriers. As a PE department it is something that we...
Posted by Terry Piper
NEWS Sports Leadership On Thursday 16th January the Year 12 CTECH Sport and Physical activity group had their first taste of practical leadership when they took a Year 9 class for...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
On Thursday 5th December the community representatives which include Megan Hooper, Jhanavi Tiwari, Daisy Santana-Spevick, Preesha Mistry, Andrea Tamang, Isaac Nesbeth, Edward...
So as we come to the end of the year, it is that time again when I have had to nominate students from each year group for the Maple House Reward. This is always a difficult...