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High Achiever Awards – second half Autumn Term 2017

High Achiever Awards – second half Autumn Term 2017

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
High Achiever Awards – second half Autumn...

As many of you are aware throughout the year, every half term, each faculty is asked to nominate one student from each year group to receive a prestigious High Achiever Award based on the student’s work, effort, attitude and achievements made throughout the previous half term.

Each student who receives a High Achiever Award will have their name published in the weekly newsletter, and a copy of their certificate displayed on High Achiever noticeboards which are placed in prominent places around the school site. They will also will receive a letter of recognition from the school and their certificate is posted home to their parents.

I am delighted that the following students all received a High Achiever Award for their work during the second half of the Autumn term. We congratulate them all for their recent success and wish them every success as they continue their learning journey at BMS.

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