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PE Health and Health Faculty News (6th Dec – 13th Dec 2018)
NEWS As we come to the end of another busy term for PE we can reflect on the vast number of competitive fixtures and sports clubs that have taken place this term. There have been...

Anti-Bullying Update
“Thank you so much for having me yesterday, I really enjoyed meeting your team! They were all so brilliant and asked great questions! It’s not very often that you see such young...

Year 9 French and Spanish trip to the Europa Centre
Year 9 will have the the exciting opportunity to visit the Europa Centre on Wednesday 27th March 2019(Spanish) and Friday 29th March 2019 (French). The Europa Centre is a European...

Visit to the British Film Institute, South Bank
On Friday 30th November students of A Level Spanish visited the British Film Institute where they attended a study day on the celebrated film director, Pedro Almodóvar,...

Medicine Access Day at Gonville & Caius, Cambridge
The 2018/19 Caius Medicine Access Day which will be occurring in Gonville & Caius college on Thursday the 31st of January. The event is for aspiring Medicine students (from...

BMS dance have made it to the London Regional Heat!
Following our recent video submissions from our KS3 and KS4/KS5 dance teams, I am very pleased to announce that both teams have been successful in qualifying in ‘The Great...

Senior Science Technician puts on a fabulous Acids & Alkalis & Neutralisation Demo
How fortunate we are to have Mr Lai, our newly appointed Senior Science Technician to come and demonstrate and explain the neutralisation reaction to our keen and enthusiastic...

House Points Update – Issue 31

Maths Student Leaders take action!
Led by Kavya and Nathan, the Maths Student Leaders held a very positive meeting last week and went through many ideas to help the Maths Faculty move further forward. It was great...